Extended family

Karen Diesing Karen Diesing

Karen Diesing – Occasions Dame

After spending a time or two experiencing Somerled and tasting the wines, when the opportunity came up to become a part of the team Karen knew she had to jump at it! Actually, the heading of her application was “My dream job at Somerled Wines”.

Karen has a long background in hospitality and wears the title of ‘Occasions Dame’ here after her many years in the game. Not known as the shy, retiring type, Karen is always happy for a chat and she likes nothing more than seeing people enjoying a glass of wine or two.

Maree Armstrong Maree Armstrong

Maree Armstrong – Club coordinator and digital marketing guru

When Maree moved from Melbourne to the Adelaide Hills in 2013, it was suggested by her husband that “If you want to learn about Adelaide Hills wine, then you must speak to Rob Moody”. She popped in for a tasting and loved the wine, the atmosphere and the family so much she asked to move in for a job!

Maree is our Jockey Club and digital marketing guru. You will find her behind the bar on the weekends when she’s not busy with her son and youngest member of the Somerled team, Somerl-Eddie.

Maree has a background in Biological Science, Customer Relationship Management and Event Management. She’s just finished her Psychology degree, so come in for a glass of something and off-load your problems to her… it’s all part of the service

Neala Miles Neala Miles

Special Guest Appearances by Neala Miles